The Pennsic Medicine Chest

Erich von Kleinfeld, MC,


Dexter Guptill

Updated 2021

Introduction and Disclaimer: I'm a long-time Pennsic veteran (missed the first 9), former Boy Scout, and Master Chirurgeon. I was warranted as a Journeyman several years ago, at my 19th Pennsic. Prior to becoming a Chirurgeon, I took care of myself and any friends or household mates who wanted help.

I am not a medical professional, however. My actual qualifications extend to Wilderness First Aid, and CPR / AED. I do not prescribe or dispense medicines, nor do I give medical advice per se. Readers are advised to seek their doctor's advice on any of the items discussed herein. I need also to point out that I have a streak of obsessive, compulsive paranoia. This manifests as a tendency to pay fanatical attention to the spirits of Darwin and Murphy.

Why bring one's own stuff?

What should be in The Chest?

What’s in My Chest?

This is NOT a portable kit. This is something I put together as the First Aid station for a Regional Burn. Think, “Patching up boo-boos for 700 or so pyromanic Hippies”.

A Portable Kit:

SOURCES – FEMA's listing of first-aid supplies for their larger, more inclusive bug-out kit

Dr. Koop's Self-Care Advisor: The Essential Home Health Guide for You and Your Family – Time-Life books

American Red Cross, American Heart Association, National Safety Council, and American Safety and Health Institute (ARC, AHA, NSC, and ASHI) first aid manuals, and if you want to go bigtime, Wilderness First Aid from