Veggie Curry


I've been making a crock-pot variation of Moghul-style chicken curry for a while. I decided to find out if that particular procedure, and seasoning mix, would work for a vegetarian version. Essentially, I'm using legumes to replace the chicken as a protein source.


Both of the above take considerably more cooking time than the other ingredients, especially if bought dried. Precook both for a couple of hours before starting on the rest of the ingredients.


Set a crock pot on high. Put in the chickpeas, lentils, potatoes, broccoli stems, and carrots. Stir in the cans of tomatotes. Stir and cover.

Grind up the first group of seasonings (Cumin through Cloves) in a blender. In a wok or deep skillet, put the olive oil over medium-to-high heat. Add the garlic and onions, and fry until transparent and beginning to turn brown. Put in the first batch of ground seasonings. Stir and fry for another couple of minutes. Add to crock pot. Add enough water to cover all the ingredients, then stir. Replace cover.

Cook 3-4 hours, until the raw vegetables begin to get tender. About ½ to 1 hour before serving, add the yogurt, broccoli crowns, and garam masala. Adjust salt to taste. Serve over rice.